Bit of a shorter post than usual, just to put 🛠️ on here as it was just a quick project and not really deserving of a seperate section on this website.
Hopefully it can be kind of forgotten about as a quick joke until the domain comes up to renewal, otherwise it'll be an £8 shitpost instead of a £4 one.
The current Labour leader, Keir Starmer, uses the phrase "my dad was a toolmaker" a lot, so as I had some time to kill I decided to try and find as many instances of it being said as possible.
The domain was free (and cheap), I had a free afternoon and as I write this the general election campaign is ongoing.
#Technical details
If you're really interested, there's not much but here they are:
Static website built with SvelteKit (overkill I know), hosted on Cloudflare Pages. Other stuff is Tailwind and Bootstrap icons.
Like I said there's not much.
I might add more to it or just completely forget about it until the domain comes up for renewal. Who knows?